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Reference project Modernization of waste water treatment plant

Modernization of waste water treatment plant

Less than one percent of the water on our planet is usable by humans. It is therefore the number one resource – far ahead of other raw materials. The demand for water has been rising steadily for years. The causes are globalization, climate change, population growth and an increasing trend towards urbanization, i.e. the spread of urban lifestyles. For many years, SpiraTec AG has been supporting industrial and municipal companies in the water/wastewater sector that are active in areas ranging from water extraction and water processing to water treatment and purification. This client has also been part of the customer base for seven years. With a capacity of over 1.3 million population equivalents, the wastewater treatment plant is one of the largest and most modern plants in Europe.

Project details

  • Modernization of one of the largest wastewater treatment plants in Europe
  • Design and implementation of a process-automated system
  • Introduction of an energy and load management system

First of all, the existing process-automated system was replaced by a state-of-the-art system – together with the modernization of the pumping stations. When designing the new system, the existing process engineering process and the customer’s existing know-how were decisive for the implementation. SpiraTec, on the other hand, has many years of in-depth knowledge and experience in the water/wastewater sector, which can also be adapted very well to new process automation projects.

WinCC 7.3 with 10x S7-400 and 3x S7-300, redundant server and
server as well as 10x clients and 2x ES

Telecontrol integration of 64 pumping stations with S7-300

Virtual commissioning with WinMod

Connection to a virtual power plant

Smooth from the start

The changeover itself was completed without any significant plant downtime, as the commissioning was carried out virtually beforehand – i.e. as a test simulation. Thanks to the process-automated control of the wastewater treatment plant, the degree and type of contamination of the water can now be displayed more clearly and evaluated more easily. This means that the plant can be adjusted earlier, more smoothly and more effectively than before.

„Now we can see how the system is doing at any time. And when we need to take action to modernize it.“

Head of wastewater treatment plant operations on the customer side

A basis for new goals

The successfully completed project placed the customer relationship on a firm foundation of trust, from which they could continue to grow together in a future-oriented manner. The water association’s next goal was quickly set: to optimize energy consumption. Initial thoughts were already circulating about operating a completely self-sufficient, energy self-sufficient sewage treatment plant. An ambitious and cost-intensive project, the economic viability of which first had to be proven. SpiraTec implemented an energy and load management system that showed how much energy the sewage treatment plant consumed on average under a wide range of conditions. As empirically verified data was now permanently available, such as load peaks, energy management could be optimized overall.

The sewage treatment plant is now operated independently by local energy generation plants. These even generate more energy than is needed for water purification. The surplus is sold and now forms an important additional source of income for the customer. The economical and sustainable operation of the plant is primarily in the interests of the ratepayers, as the wastewater treatment plant is borne by them as a municipal element. The plant’s self-sufficient energy supply from resource-saving sources is not only profitable and profitable, it also protects the climate and thus contributes to an environment worth living in. By introducing a self-sufficient and clean energy supply, the sewage treatment plant meets the high requirements for sustainable and resource-saving operation.