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CHEManager article – cooperation with SAP AG

  • 18.05.2011

Title “More than commercial software – Increasing efficiency in the chemical and pharmaceutical production”

Michael Henter (Head of department Business Intelligence and Manufacturing Operations) discussed the significance and the opportunities of SAP solutions for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry with representatives of SAP AG.

In cooperation with SAP an interview with Dr. Wolfgang Rybczynski (SAP), Andreas Rizetti (SAP) and Michael Henter (SpiraTec) has been developed and published in the CHEManager on the 19th May 2011 in the current release. SpiraTec, a SAP Service Partner has experience with the system SAP MII and can therefore offer “individual implementation possibilities for every application which are supported by SAP MII”.

Source: „Mehr als kaufmännische Software“ – aus: CHEManager Nr. 9-10/2011