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SpiraTec presents at OSIsoft EMEA Conference

  • 15.10.2015

At the OSIsoft EMEA Users Conference, which took place place from 13th of October to the 15th of October, the Team and Account Manager Industrial IT Solutions Florian Spribille and Jochen Fries presented successful stories.

At the 14th of October, Jochen Fries presented together with Martin Montag (Atotech) the topic integration with the title: Complete vertical integration with OSIsoft‘s PI system to achieve consistent global quality. Their lecture began at 14 o’clock. (see the video)

On the same day, Florian Spribille and Jan De Wilde (Allnex) reported about “Achieving uniform global production efficiency and quality with OSISoft’s PI system.“ This presentation started at 3.40pm. (see the video)

We were glad to participate in this event in order to give a lecture in cooperation with our business partners. We were very happy to get the possibility to deliver two speeches in front of 800 participants from 250 organizations.

The OSIsoft EMEA Users Conference belongs to series of events of OSIsoft which takes places every year in different locations. The general objectives of these events are to offer a platform where costumers have the possibility to gain information about systems innovation and branches as well to exchange experience between OSIsoft, partner enterprises and themselves.