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Mobile robotics in the process industry

  • 14.11.2023
Anymal robot climbing stairs
© ANYbotics

New opportunities in automation

Mobile robotics is already state-of-the-art in the manufacturing industry, particularly in the automotive sector, while the process industry is still in its infancy. But the potential is enormous: mobile robots can contribute to more efficient production and cushion social changes in the process.

Within Europe, Germany has the highest robot density, closely followed by Japan, Singapore and Korea. What these statistics do not take into account, however, is the
use of mobile robotic systems in the industrial environment. Despite existing automation solutions, companies in the process industry are still at the very beginning here. However, initial lighthouse projects with AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles) with a payload of up to 100 tons in the chemical industry and with smaller vehicles in the pharmaceutical industry give an idea of what will be possible in the future.

You can find the detailed article on this topic in the November issue of IT & Production or online: New opportunities in automation: Mobile robotics in the process industry

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