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Andreas Schadt is awarded the gold badge of honor

  • 06.12.2022
Anstecken der Ehrennadel durch Michael Pelz
Andreas Schadt received the golden pin of honor from NAMUR chairman Michael Pelz

At the NAMUR main meeting 2022, our chairman and co-founder Andreas Schadt received the golden pin of honor from NAMUR chairman Michael Pelz for special commitment and many years of personal dedication.

Andreas was already entrusted with the foundation and activation of the working group AK 2.3 “Batch Contol” in 2004 and directly took over the task as chairman. Since then he has been actively involved, and here since 2014 particularly strongly in the area of Module Type Package (MTP). By defining the basic requirements from the process industry, coupled with methods from the S88 world, he formed the initial approaches of the MTP idea. He chaired AK 2.3 from November 2004 to January 2021 and thus led the working group for more than 16 years. However, he left this position vacant last year in order to devote his full concentration to the further development and expansion of the SpiraTec Group.

Just four months after its foundation, SpiraTec became an official member of NAMUR in March 2008. Currently, 5 employees of the company follow the good example of their board and are actively involved in various working groups.

Back in 2011, Andreas gave a presentation at the NAMUR main meeting on the topic: “Batch Management today – where is the journey heading?”

“And a little later, a new journey actually started within NAMUR. After the DIMA concept (Decentralized Intelligence for Modular Systems) was introduced by WAGO in 2014, and you presented your plenary talk, “Challenge: Controlling Modular Process Technology,” the automation world actually became more modular.

Because you started to work together with ZVEI representatives on the concept for the Module Type Package (MTP) and the orchestration of modular plants […]. As part of this work, you have developed requirements and new concepts for the more modular process industry of the future, and MTP topics such as the POL (Process Orchestration Layer) will now help shape our future automation world.” Michael Pelz highlighted in his laudation.

“SpiraTec is actively working on the development of the standard to NAMUR MTP – especially in the areas of process control, respectively process orchestration. As a member of NAMUR, we are steadfastly involved in the dissemination of the VDI/VDE/NAMUR 2658 guideline, which describes the automation engineering of modular plants in the process industry. We are very pleased to make a significant contribution to the future progress of Process Industry 4.0,” says Andreas Schadt.

Quelle: SpiraTec

Bildrechte: Bayer AG / NAMUR