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Book publication “MTP Automation of Modular Plants”

  • 08.12.2022
book cover
book cover

After an extensive period of planning and realization, the book “MTP – Automation of Modular Plants” was published by Vulkan Verlag at the beginning of November 2022.
In cooperation with the two major organizations NAMUR and ZVEI, SpiraTec was involved in various parts as an author.

The following is a summary of the contents:

After introduction, overview of the DIMA concept (chapter 3) and considerations on modularization from a process engineering point of view (chapter 4), chapter 5 gives an overview of the automation of modular plants with MTP. Chapter 6 describes the building blocks of the MTP concept that have been completed or are under development and published in sheets of the VDI/VDE/NAMUR guideline. Chapter 7 shows developments in the MTP environment. Demonstrators and industrial applications already created are described in Chapter 8. After an outlook (chapter 9), many suppliers of modular automation solutions present their approaches and products in chapter 10, for whose content they are responsible.
SpiraTec was able to assist in the preparation of the chapters listed below:
Chapter 7.1. ‘Requirements for Process Orchestration Layer (POL) of modular production plants (NE187)’,
Chapter 7.2. ‘Use Cases for Plug&Produce (NE 187)’,
Chapter 7.3 ‘Qualification of modular automation in GMP environments (NE187)’.

We are very pleased with this successful work and the contribution our colleagues have made here.

The book is available directly from Vulkan Verlag via the following link.