- Attack detection in the pharmacutical environment with IRMA®
- Automated and digital testing and qualification
- Automation of milk powder production
- Batch systems based on ISA-88
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Posts by category
- Category: Career-Blog
- A passionate electrician
- Uniting employees across locations
- Interview with our colleague Roman: “Working with people is a big part of my job”
- Interview with our colleague Jeya: “For me, further development always means movement”
- Fabian, Stephan & Frederik: Completion of the talent program
- Interview with employee Leon: From trainee to permanent employee
- An interview with our colleague Júlia: “Getting better together is more fun!”
- SpiraTec employee as mentor at Youth Entrepreneurship Week
- living and working in the usa
- Category: Events
- SpiraTec at the industry event LEUNA DIALOG 2025
- SpiraTec at GMP PharmaTechnica 2025
- SpiraTec at ISPE-CaSA Annual Tech Show
- NAMUR Annual General Meeting 2024 – Successful workshop on orchestration in intralogistics
- Exciting insights into cyber security: Securing the future of the smart factory
- SpiraTec Solutions celebrates 30 years of innovation with the International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE)
- 250 days SpiraTec and onoff: a hidden champion picks up speed
- Category: News
- Challenges and Future Prospects in Cyber Security – An Interview
- SpiraTec is SIEMENS PCS-Neo Partner
- SpiraTec is honoured with 1st place at the BASF Award for Contractors 2024
- SpiraTec as a guest at the Siemens SX Spotlight Week
- Merger with onoff-it solutions gmbh
- Experience Innovations: Visit Us at ACHEMA 2024 with COPA-DATA
- onoff engineering gmbh merges with SpiraTec AG
- A successful appearance at LEUNA-DIALOG 2024
- Siemens Solution Partner Workshop at ENTIRETEC AG in Dresden
- Opening of the SpiraTec Location in Innsbruck
- Körber Pharma Software visits SpiraTec
- SpiraTec Group opens office in Kiel
- SpiraTec Solutions Inc. as an exhibitor at the ISPE CaSA Annual Tech Show
- Opening of a new branch in Ingolstadt
- New office in Innsbruck opens its doors on 01 November
- Competence confirmed: SpiraTec is reseller partner for SIEMENS Opcenter Execution Pharma licenses
- Roberto Molinari puts all his focus on SpiraTec Italia
- New office on the East Coast of the USA
- SpiraTec Group develops further: onoff AG becomes onoff GmbH
- Digital Twin and Virtual Commissioning: onoff and Siemens Implement Joint Solution
- New opportunities for the process industry: SpiraTec focuses on mobile robotics solutions
- A forward-looking step for the process industry – NAMUR publishes new recommendations on modular production
- New technology partnership: onoff and Körber
- Book publication “MTP Automation of Modular Plants”
- Andreas Schadt is awarded the gold badge of honor
- Industrial Solutions & Services S.r.L. becomes SpiraTec Italia
- New office in Dresden to start on September 1, 2022
- NOA (Namur Open Architecture) enables digital transformation in the process industry
- SpiraTec continues to expand
- SpiraTec AG opens new office in Munich
- MES design and implementation support: SpiraTec and Werum IT Solutions enter service partnership
- SpiraTec enters into partnership with PTC
- SpiraTec as guest at the OSIsoft PI World Gothenburg
- Portfolio expansion at SpiraTec Solutions
- SpiraTec presents use case at 11th Bechtle IT Forum
- SpiraTec at the OSIsoft Regional Seminar 2019 in Munich, Germany
- Inauguration of the new office in Biberach an der Riß
- SpiraTec as specialist for process industry 4.0 and modular production at the Hannover Fair 2019
- SpiraTec at the 28th Annual Vendor Night in San Francisco
- Phoenix now official SpiraTec location
- Building Information Modelling (BIM) in plant construction and operation – FDBR specialist event
- Presentation of the BASF Award 2018 for contractors
- Office opening in Ingelheim
- ACHEMA 2018 – SpiraTec as representative for “Modular Production”
- SpiraTec meets ABB
- SpiraTec Solutions at the ISPE Event in San Francisco
- Intelligent Vertical Integration
- An additional location for SpiraTec Engineering in 2018
- An additional location for SpiraTec Engineering in 2018
- SpiraTec at “Hannover Messe” 2017
- SpiraTec’s next step of internationalization
- Interview Andreas Schadt: Modular System Design Reveals a Future Trend
- SpiraTec presents at OSIsoft EMEA Conference
- SpiraTec extends partnership with Honeywell
- SpiraTec at AspenTech OPTIMIZE 2015 Boston
- CHEManager article – cooperation with SAP AG
- Prime minister Kurt Beck visits SpiraTec
- SpiraTec wants to expand
- SpiraTec inspired by America and Asia
- Branch Office Bremen
- Annual general meeting – election of the supervisory board
- SpiraTec goes TV – short report on N24
- SpiraTec is a SAP service partner
- Partnership with the Cooperative State University Mannheim
- Inspiration-Automation
- Automation of batch processes
- Expansion into Austria
- To give the manufacturing plants a brain
- SpiraTec AG signs a partnership agreement with AspenTech (Burlington, Massachusetts USA)
- Official Opening of the Burghausen subsidiary (Bavaria)
- The Start of our active participation in NAMUR
- SpiraTec AG becomes a member of NAMUR
- SpiraTec AG celebrates its “1st birthday”
- SpiraTec AG expands management
- First Supervisory Board meeting
- Constituent meeting of the Supervisory Board
- Founding of SpiraTec AG
- Category: Press
- Growth in Europe: SpiraTec integrates Swiss electrical planning company edeco AG
- Successful in northern Germany: SpiraTec expands site in Kiel
- Breaking the automation pyramid – but how?
- With real-time simulation into the next dimension: virtual commissioning in 3D
- SpiraTec integrates subsidiary: Pioneering projects in the steel industry
- Merger with subsidiary: SpiraTec paves the way for further growth
- SpiraTec AG founds new subsidiary in France
- New Körber Partner Program: SpiraTec Group enters “Silver Tier” Level
- Mobile robotics in the process industry
- SpiraTec strengthens system partnership with COPA-DATA
- Strong partnership: onoff supports ProXES
- Category: Uncategorized
- Mobile Working
- Flexible working hours
- Compensation for overtime
- Vacations
- Interdisciplinary training courses
- Local but also global deployment
- Structured career model
- Onboarding Program and Buddy Program
- Food and beverages
- Talentprogramm@SpiraTec
- Modern equipment
- Company parties & sporting events
- Staff participation
- Mobility
- Private accident insurance
- Employees recruit employees
- Company fitness (non-cash benefit)
- Interdisciplinary teams
- Flat hierarchies
- Short decision paths
- Open communication culture
- First-name basis through levels
- Aesch
- Marburg
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- Kiel
- Wunstorf
- Werne
- Frankfurt
- Erlangen
- Berlin
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- Ingolstadt
- Innsbruck
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- Genova
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- Phoenix
- Ulm
- Schwarzheide
- Penzberg
- Nünchritz
- Munich
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- Leipzig
- Kufstein
- Cologne
- Ingelheim
- Bremen
- Biberach an der Riß
- Burghausen
- Linz
- Vienna
- Ludwigshafen
- Speyer
- Scorzè